January 23, 2011

Stay at home dads

The Family: A Proclamation to the World states, " Fathers are to preside over the families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."  While many Latter-day Saints believe this to mean the dad is to work outside the home in a career, while mom is at home tending to the kids. A growing trend in today's family includes the idea of stay-at-home dads. There are a number of circumstances that could force a family to have the dad stay at home, especially in the economic state that the nation is in. However, the trend that is growing surprisingly fast is the choice of many dads to stay at home while the mother goes to work. Here is a NY Times article that talks about this very subject. The following video was posted on the NY Times article.

January 15, 2011

Thought of You

When I saw this, I thought of you. Hope you like it!

January 13, 2011

What Is Family?

Families are different for everybody based on their personal experiences and the influnces in their lives. The following video helped to open my eyes as to what others see as family. Some families were so different than what I previously considered, but that doesn't mean they aren't family. Familes really do come in all shapes and sizes!

My Boyfriend

This is my boyfriend. He is awesome.

January 10, 2011

Family Relations

I am currently in a Family Relations class at BYUI. As part of this class, we have been asked to keep a blog of the things we learn through out this semester. I am to observe and record principles, insight and thoughts, stories, or whatever it may be that we are learning about families.