February 25, 2011

My Best Friend

Just recently I lost my best friend. I couldn't have asked God for a better mom than the one He gave me. My mom was a women that dedicated her life to others; she was always serving her family, the church and the community. Words cant even begin to describe my mom and how much I love her. She is my role model. I hope that I can be even half the wife and mother that she was. She was my best friend that I told everything to and she always made me feel like I was the most important thing in her life. My mom was the one that taught me that I am a Daughter of God and that I have worth.  My mom and my dad are the reasons I have a testimony of the Jesus Christ and know that He love me. God gives us trials so that  we will grow stronger. I believe this will all my heart. As my family has been through this trying journey I have gained a stronger testimony of the Atonement and that we are never alone. I have grown so close to my wonderful family and this is because of my mom. I Love you Mom! And know that we will be together again. Thank You for who you are and all you taught me.

February 13, 2011

Dating Today

I thought this clip was  funny, but a very sad truth of what dating is like today.

Is Dating Dead?

I am sure many of you have hear or read Elder Oaks Talk "Dating Verses Hanging Out", these are four reasons he gives for the changes in dating...

  1. Dating requires commitment, Hanging out requires little to no commitment and we live in a society that is afraid of commitment.
  2. The  women’s movement has contributed to discourage dating. As women’s options have increased and therefore traditional women's and men's roles have changes.
  3. Hanging out is glamorized on TV programs about singles.
  4. "The meaning and significance of a “date” has changed in such a way as to price dating out of the market". Many believe that in order for it to be considered a date it has to be expensive and a huge ordeal.
This isn't just the cases in the LDS church, it is a society as a whole.

However there are many rewards to dating...
  • The ultimate is finding your eternal companion or preparing for the future
  • Practice social skills
  • Learn respect for the opposite sex
  • Have a fan and enjoy time with others
  • Meet new people
  • Participate in fun activities
  • Gain self-confidence in who you are
So lets create a new trend and enjoy more dating!