March 25, 2011


I would bet that most kids would say that they have the greatest parents ever. And I would fall in that category, I think that I have the world's greatest parents. I know they aren't perfect but in my eyes they are close to it. They did the best they could and did those things that were best for me. My parents didn't have a list of rules or do and don't, but instead they have very clear expectation for each one of their children. I know that my parents want the best for me and I don't want to ever disappoint them.
I believe that the purpose of parents are to provide for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental well-being of their children. Parents are to provide a strong gospel foundation for each of their children to develop upon. Parents are to teach, guide, nurture, protect, discipline, and provide security and support for the children God has given them stewardship over. Parents are to provide for all the basic fundamental needs of children in a positive matter. I know that parenthood is a divinely appoint role from our Heavenly Father, that we are not to take lightly.

March 18, 2011

Hard Work

It is so important as parents that we teach our children the value and joy that come from hard work and knowing how to mange money. I remember as a little girls helping my mom clean and organize our house. We would work together and because of that today I feel like I know how to clean well. I also remember when all my family would work together in our yard and the fun we would have . Maybe as a kid I didn't love every minute of  the work or realize the lessons I was being taught, but as an adult I value that time and the things my parents taught me and my siblings. One of my more memorable times of working with my family was on my 9th birthday and we were going to go to the movies and on a picnic as a family. However, my dad is a rancher and some fence had got cut, so dad had to go fix it before we left so that the cows didn't get out. Dad decided that it would go fastest if we all went as a family and fixed it really quick, then we could celebrate my birthday. I didn't want to work on my birthday and I was upset so I protested by wearing shorts and flip-flop to fix fence (not the brightest idea) just so that I wouldn't have to work. Well the shorts didn't stop my dad from having me help with the fence because he told me that wasn't a good idea. As we were working on the fence I was following along when my brother pulled tight on the wire to get the fence tight and the wire went straight into my leg and I started to cry. My brother and dad helped me get the wire out and bandage my leg. I learned my lesson that day that I should listen to my dad because he knows what he is talking about and that helping my family with the work would get it done faster and have positive pay offs.
Probably the most valuable principle my parents taught me, that I appreciate more as an adult than I did as a child, is earning, saving and manging money. Starting at age 8 my parents set up a budget system for me to follow and I was required to starting buying my personal needs and wants. We were taught to first pay our 10% of tithing, then put 10% in saving, and then the rest was to be divided up into the different categories being budgeted for. I learned to prioritized my wants and needs. I think as a child we don't often realized what our parents are teaching us, but now as an adult I am extremely grateful for 
the lessons my parents taught me and now I hope I can teach to my own kids.

March 12, 2011

Communication Differences

It is important for men and women to communicate with each other. But there are some differences in the ways men and women communicate.
*     Talk to tell you about their day
*     Talk to come to an end outcome or to solve a problem
*     They like to get to the point and are brief
*     They speak more through tone than women do
*     Less likely to talk about personal matters and emotions
*     Men are more likely to interrupt others during communication
*     Talk to connect with others
*     Talk to make sense of something by talking it out
*     They like to give details
*     The speak more through nonverbal means
*     They talk more with their hands more than men do
*     More likely to talk about personal things to others

Even though there are difference among men and women communication styles it is still very possible to have good communication in a relationship; by becoming familiar with the way other communicate and by establishing a meaning.

March 4, 2011

Tender Mercies

Jesus Carrying a Lost Lamb
A family crisis or a trial is never an easy thing.  But, I personally believe that if we look for the Lord's hand in our lives things are made a little easier. Not to say there won't be pain or hard times, but He is there in those times to provide comfort. In Nephi 1: 20 it reads, "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance” I love the  talk given by Elder David A. Bednar, titled "The Tender Mercies of the Lord". Elder Bednar quotes,  "Some may see experiences as simply a nice coincidence, but I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Often, the Lord’s timing of His tender mercies helps us to both discern and acknowledge them. I believe I have come to better understand that the Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ". We are never alone! I personally have witnessed the tender mercies in my own life and they are a testimony to me that my Savior will be there in the good and the bad times to lift us. He wants us to experience joy and happiness and grow to be strong people.