March 12, 2011

Communication Differences

It is important for men and women to communicate with each other. But there are some differences in the ways men and women communicate.
*     Talk to tell you about their day
*     Talk to come to an end outcome or to solve a problem
*     They like to get to the point and are brief
*     They speak more through tone than women do
*     Less likely to talk about personal matters and emotions
*     Men are more likely to interrupt others during communication
*     Talk to connect with others
*     Talk to make sense of something by talking it out
*     They like to give details
*     The speak more through nonverbal means
*     They talk more with their hands more than men do
*     More likely to talk about personal things to others

Even though there are difference among men and women communication styles it is still very possible to have good communication in a relationship; by becoming familiar with the way other communicate and by establishing a meaning.

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